Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pressure in Negritas Increasing

We need to pray for Lupe, Leticia, and all of the believers in Negritas. Ever since they returned to their home town in Mexico believers have suffered a great deal of criticism, mocking, and open rejection. Until now, that has not slowed them down very much. About a month ago, the local Catholic priest spoke out in church about those who want to read and study the Bible at home. He called these people dangerous members of bad sects. He also called on the people of the Catholic church to immediately identify anyone who might be participating in such activities. Little did the priest know that Lupe and Leti and three others who attend their Bible studies were present in the congregation that day. Since then the priest has said that those who participate in such independent Bible studies would not be allowed to attend Catholic mass.

When the priest first mentioned brought this subject up a month ago, Lupe visited all of the people in his home Bible studies to find out what their response was. At that time everyone told him that they wanted to continue in the Bible studies. Since that time presure has ramped up and two of their Bible studies have been at least temporarily cancelled.

Pray for Lupe and Leti, Fidencio and Rosa, Francisco and Lupe, Modesta, Dul, Reyes, Reina, and Victoriano. Pray for their children. Pray for the Catholic priest to come to faith and begin preaching Jesus. Pray for Lupe as he is praying about going and speaking with the Catholic priest. Pray for Carmen , Flaviola, and Jenaro as they continue to have Bible studies in their homes. Pray for Beto, María Guadalupe, and Teresa as they have temporarily suspended their Bible studies. Pray that all would continue to read the Bible, that God would open their spiritual eyes, that they would wholeheartedly follow Jesus.

Lupe and Leti last year at our church in Jefferson.