Sunday, August 10, 2008

Prayer Request - Lebanon

Members of our church have been visiting families in Lebanon since May, 2007. The primary purpose of the visit is to develope a good relationship with the people in the community by asking people if we can pray for them in our church prayer meeting. We revisit each family every month or so to see how they are doing and to ask if they have any new prayer requests. Some people we visit have become interested in spiritual things and have been asking questions.

This prayer requests comes from Lupe and Leticia Alvarez. Leticia wants prayer for a woman named Angélica who has an interest in spiritual things. Leticia asked her if she would like to read the Bible with her on a regular basis. Angélica is interested but hesitant because she is alreading reading the Bible with two JWs who come to her house every week. Pray that Leticia would be filled with wisdom and that Angelica would want to read the Bible with her.

A similar prayer request comes from Leticia's husband Lupe. He just asked a man named Julián if he would like to study the Bible together with him and Julián said, "yes, but...." Pray that Lupe and Julián will find a time they can get together on a weekly basis. Pray for wisdom for Lupe as he tries to lead Julián towards Jesus.

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