Friday, July 31, 2009

We are in Mexico!

After driving all night the first day we arrived in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and spent the night. One and a half days later we arrived at our destination - Negritas, Mexico. Pray for wisdom as we encourage Lupe and Leticia. They were anxiously waiting for us and expressed a great need for our fellowship and encouragement. They feel very alone at times and many people are trying to discourage them. Just two days before our arrival someone from the community visited Lupe and told him to give up; what gave him the right to teach anyone?; you are going to fail anyway!

The only training that Lupe has is sitting under our ministry for 8 years. We were not expecting God to send him back to Mexico to start a church. But that is what happened! A church is started and Lupe is doing a great job of pastoring it. Please pray for Lupe and Leti.

Lupe teaching a home Bible study Thursday night.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pray for us - We are on our way to Mexico!

Jon and Jerilyn are heading to Mexico to visit and encourage Lupe, Leticia and the rest of those that we sent back home to start a church and shine Jesus' light in their community. Pray for God's protection on the way - pray that Jerilyn will not get a migraine from the travel.

We are taking a Ford Expedition to Lupe and Leti as a ministry vehicle. Pray that we can import the vehicle without problems. We are also taking them many other ministry tools. Mostly they need encouragement because just as Paul wrote, "For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."

Pray for wisdom for us to know how best to encourge them. Jon will be preaching and teaching a lot. We will be visiting a lot of people.

Lupe and Leticia leading worship in the liquor store.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pray for Juan and Vicki Herrera

A few years ago Juan and Vicki Herrera received Jesus as their Savior. Jon baptized them in 2005. Later that year they moved back to Mexico because of some health problems that their oldest son has. For the last three years Juan has been coming up to work at least part of the year because they need money for medical expenses. Whenever Juan comes he is actively involved in our ministry. Since he lives in Salem, it was natural for him to help out in the starting of our Salem church, which he has been attending since its beginning.

Juan is learning to play the bass guitar to help out with the music. He is also how to lead a Bible study. A couple of months ago he had his first practice at teaching by leading the adult Sunday school class in Salem. Today Juan preached for the first time during a regular worship service. This is very exciting to us!

Pray for Juan and Vicki. Juan is growing tremendously and is very strong in the faith. His wife is having a hard time back in Mexico because there is no encouragement from their non-Christian family. He calls her every week to encourage her but it is still very difficult. Pray for her faith to strengthen. Pray for healing for their son (kidney problems). Pray that Juan can soon go back to his family and that he would be able to stay with his family more. Pray for his ability in the Word to continue to grow and that God would use him to lead his family and his community to Christ.

Juan Herrera after preaching on Sunday.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pray for Diana Alvarez

Diana Alvarez is a young lady who has grown up in our ministry and loves Jesus very much. She spends a lot of time in God’s word and she has a real burden for the lost. Diana has been helping Lebanon First Baptist Church with their Vacation Bible School since she was 12.

Diana is now 16 and is working as a volunteer with Larisa Craig for the summer. Larisa is an area missionary with American Missionary Fellowship. Her field is in east central California and western Nevada. Larisa and Diana will be leading several VBSs and helping in two summer camps.

Pray for Larisa and Diana. Pray for protection as they travel. Pray for wisdom as they minister to people. Pray for success as they share Jesus. Pray for sufficient finances to fund the ministry.

Diana's Testamony as given at her quinceaños:

When I was 6 years old, my family and I moved here from Mexico. At that time I did not understand why this happened to me. But now I know that God has a plan for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

When I received Jesus he opened my eyes so that I could see the truth. He helped me to understand that I am a sinner and that he died on the cross for my sins. He helped me to understand that if I trusted in him, he would cleanse me from all my sins – and he did so.

Later I began to read the Bible and I found many promises that God has made. What God promises he fulfills because he does not change. I also found promises that assure me of my salvation. John 5:24 says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.”

I know that God has helped me and I know that he will help me because I have put my confidence in him. I know that when I need strength to do his will he will give it to me.

Diana Alvarez and Larisa Craig