Thursday, June 2, 2016

Emanuel’s Mom is in Juarez

Last December we posted a financial need to help Emanuel’s mother and siblings to come to the US.  For over a year we have been taking Emanuel to Portland 3 times a week for dialysis.  He and his dad have been living with our daughter Jessie and son-in-law Luis.  We have been doing this because someone needs to care for Emanuel.  If his dad had to take him to dialysis, how could he earn enough money to care for his family?  If they lived alone in an apartment, who would care for Emanuel while Dad is working?  The Bible says we need to love others as we do ourselves.  That is what we have been doing here.

Right now they need prayer.  After applying for legal residency in 2001 and waiting over 15 years Emanuel’s mom (Vicki) is now in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso.  Tomorrow, June 3, she has an appointment with the US Consulate.  Please pray for her to get permission to legally come to the US.

We believe that we have everything in order.  We hired a lawyer to make sure everything was done right.  We recruited someone to sponsor her.  As required by law, Vicki has stayed out of the US for more than 10 years (after her father brought her here illegally as a teenager). 

In spite of all this, everything depends on who is sitting across the desk from her in the Consul’s office.  He could grant entry; he could deny entry; or he could decide that Vicky must request a pardon, which our lawyer says could take another 6 months.  The “pardon” would be a pardon from having to spend 10 years out of the country – which, of course, she has already done.  She will be taking several proofs that she was out of the country this whole time but the person could still ignore them.  So PRAY that the family will be able to come up to Oregon right away!  They could be here as early as a few days from now if things go well.

We want to thank everyone who has prayed for Emanuel’s situation and for those who have so generously donated to the cause of both saving Emanuel’s life and bringing his family up here legally.  In all, we have received and spent over $6,000 in donations.  This includes bringing Emanuel up here in February of last year, the lawyer’s fees, application fees, and now the cost of getting the family to Juarez and home.  If Vicki and her other two children can come up now, we believe that we have enough money on hand to finish the job.  Pray for a happy ending!

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